Friday, May 25, 2012


assalamualaikum && hello

i'm not conceited. so does this blog. haha, there's no reason to be one tho. it's just that i like how it sounds. :P

i had a day with mak yesterday. i felt an urge to give her a call a day before and coincidentally she wanted me to give her an accompany while having the check-ups. i was thankful that obuji was willing to give a ride there. we arrived not later than 8.15 am and i was expecting empty seats, but noooo. there was already a bunch of crowds waiting to be called. i'm glad that i brought The Guardian. the book really helped me a thousand ways, escaping from the great boredom doing nothing. 3++ hours wait, and i completed the book. smile, for two minutes, before mak told me that we're going to the north. i knew obuji wont able to make it again as he's going to have a meeting. there goes le an hour hella bus ride, an hour bus wait, an hour walk home. but in the end, i guess it's not as horrible as it sounds. 

i used KL's room. it didn't change a bit since the last time i saw it. she was kind enough to tell mak to let me use it, even though i'm pretty sure i'm gonna have it without mind asking hehe. i was worn out by the time i arrived, and i just wanted to curl up and sleep. so i did.

the next day, the only thing i do was breathing. in simpler words, i barely do anything there. i wanted to help in kitchen, but mak insisted me to stay out. let alone sweeping the floor. later in the evening, the rest came to take me home. i knew mak wanted me to stay longer but maybe i'll make it later. huhu. like seriously mak? all i did was ridiculously giving myself extra kilos but you still want me to be there? haha mak you're so cute. 

through her stories, i was glad that everything was fine. haven't meet baby arfan in person yet even now he's 7 months old and already eat KFC?! arfan, u don't know what you miss, little guy. :)

back to life.


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