Thursday, April 26, 2012

this time i made it simple.

assalamualaikum && hello

I'm broke. the stuffs you would call 'necessities' nowadays - i have none. God bless whoever who 'took' it from me, thankyouverymuch. no, im not mad. i might feel a lil worry of the contents, hopefully he'll just sell it instead of using it. the second stuff, currently it's kindda useless. cracked here and there and i might need thousand bucks to have another.

thousand bucks? told you im broke, withdrew almost everything to cover what needs to be covered.

and without them, i found my definition of peacefulness. even only in a way and temporary.

my mind never stop wheeling as if a fly is spirographing around inside my head. it feels a bit dumb, but at least i know it's working, ha ha. again, cant conclude anything. (zz)

ps. finally i get myself a pair of new legs for 'the eye'. hopefully we can get along well this time. learn me fast k? ;)



  1. yes iffah, yes. thrice in 2 weeks. the last time is for good.

  2. kali ke empat kat bukit tinggi... wooohooooo :S


say something. ty!