Tuesday, December 6, 2011

let the feat begin.

assalamualaikum && hello

i let the divine hand strokes the wonderwand to write my life. and that's just how the loo swallow my handphone instantly. i'm too sad to cry, so i laughed. i think i'm just so used to lose my things that it isn't deserve to be called a problem any longer. He gave me back my matrix card only an hour before, to take the handphone. i should be thankful enough i'd sent and received my goodnight wish or i don't think i can ever have a good night sleep tonite. hoho. *zzz

well, that is it. no rejeki.

2nd semester is darn awesome. i start to love almost everything  ; the people, the class, the subjects, the events, the lecturers as well as all the flaws.

here's some events that i attended

super hilarious mock trial the musical

see who's here ;D

there was also a charity event held here, hence the blood donation. i always think it is super cool so i did. hihi

the bloody blood :D
supporting atin&adeline&the fac team for the handball saf match

atin can do that expression effortlessly (Y)
while i still need a lot of practise

non stop 211 hours debate :D

thanks to aliya who couldnt make it hence my replacement. hiuhiu. so that's a glimpse of my days here. 

finally this post has come to its end. 
ass-ignment time! *sip coffee


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