Thursday, August 18, 2011

welcome to the block.

assalamualaikum && hello

there's only a couple of days left before ramadhan leaves. it's awful to acknowledge that how much sacred time had been wasted+not benefited due to self restraining. tsk. better late than never? im working on it ....

on the other side, currently everybody here is chasing on datelines for assignments and we have tests almost every week. that's all i can say, concluding the pressure that im facing now. hoho.

i had the funniest/weirdest/most nonsence dream ever last night. guess that i think of you too much eh kiddo? haha. (i cant help rotf if it's really happening) LQL 

by the wayyy, meet the new members of the block :D

kelabu family ^^

orange family ^^
they are both staying at my floor- the 3rd floor. how cool is that? kucings kat sini serius gebu. subur pulak tu. LOL


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